About repository
ROCK (Repository of Open Collections and Knowledge) is the institutional repository of Lublin University of Technology, that long-term archives and provides access to publications, research data and materials related to the teaching activities of LUT’s academic community. What is more, it contains documents concerning the history of technology and the University.
ROCK will replace LUT’s Digital Library, established in 2008 as a service for sharing mostly educational and scientific resources of LUT, but also publications concerning science, technology and the history of the university. The role of the ROCK Repository is to increase the visibility, promote and faciltate the search of LUT’s scientifc achievements. Additionally, it enables effective management of knowledge and LUT’s digital collections.
The Institutional Repository provides Lublin University of Technology with the infrastructure based on the latest version of DSpace open source software. Thus, ROCK fullfils the principles of LUT’s Open Access Policy, as well as the recommendations adopted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and laid down in the document entitled Directions of the Development of Open Access to Research Publications and Research Results in Poland.
According to the Open Access Policy at the National Science Centre (NSC), all academic works and publicly funded research results should be published online in a digital format, so as to make them available for all interested users, free of charge. Owing to the fact that ROCK will be registered in global registries of repositories, such as OpenDOAR and re3Data, it will meet the criteria of NSC’s Open Access Policy.
There are two mega-collections available in the ROCK Institutional Repository: KNOWLEDGE and THEMATIC COLLECTIONS. Each of them is divided into smaller collections and sub-collections, reflecting the current needs of the LUT’s academic community, and allowing for intuitive use by external users. Since the collection list is still open, it gives the perspective of further development of the ROCK Repository.