
Regulations of the ROCK (Repository of Open Collections and Knowledge of the Lublin University of Technology)


Repository - the institutional repository of the Lublin University of Technology, called the Repository of Open Collections and Knowledge (ROCK), is an IT system for storing and disseminating materials related to the activities of the Lublin University of Technology and the history of technology.

Materials - digital objects such as, scientific publications, theses, conference materials, research data, industry standards, images, audio files which are related to the activities of the Lublin University of Technology, and metadata.

Depositor - an employee, a doctoral student or a student of the Lublin University of Technology who places materials in the Repository. The Depositor is responsible for the legality of the materials and is obliged to make appropriate licensing statements.

Repository Editor - an employee of the Lublin University of Technology responsible for verifying metadata and for the quality of the deposited materials, having the right to accept, share and remove content in the Repository.

Open Access Policy at the Lublin University of Technology - Order No. R-92/2020 of the Rector of Lublin University of Technology of 6 November 2020 on the introduction of the Open Access Policy at the Lublin University of Technology, regarding the demands for open access to publications and research data at the university.

Metadata - descriptive information about deposited files that facilitates identification and retrieval of resources in the Repository. They can be made available to the public, regardless of the availability of the material itself.

Self-archiving - the process of making materials available by the depositor in the Repository, using a dedicated form.

Embargo - a period during which access to deposited materials is restricted at the request of the depositor.

Research data - digital objects that have been created as a result of scientific activity. They may include raw data, experimental results, observations, surveys, statistical analyses, etc.

Creative Commons - a group of licences specifying the terms of use of published materials, which may be applied to content deposited in the Repository.

Personal data - information on the identity of Depositors and users of the Repository, processed according to applicable law.

User - a person using the Repository who has the right to view and download available material, in accordance with the applicable Regulations. The user should respect the rules for the use of the Repository and copyright protection.

§ 1. General provisions

  1. The Regulations specify the rules for the collection, depositing, sharing and archiving resources in accordance with the recommendations included in the Open Access Policy at the Lublin University of Technology.

  2. The purpose of the Repository is long-term archiving and dissemination of the scientific output and materials related to the scientific, didactic and cultural activities of the Lublin University of Technology, as well as the history of science and technology.

  3. It is forbidden to provide content contrary to good manners and the rules of scientific integrity.

  4. The use of the Repository is free of charge.

  5. The unit responsible for the management and supervision of the Repository is the Centre of Scientific and Technical Information of Lublin University of Technology.

  6. Technical supervision of the Repository is carried out by the IT Centre of Lublin University of Technology and IT specialists of the Centre of Scientific and Technical Information of Lublin University of Technology.

§ 2. Collection Policy

  1. The Repository collects in electronic form resources resulting from activities carried out by the academic community of the Lublin University of Technology, in particular:

    • scientific publications (articles, monographs, chapters in books),
    • teaching resources (workbooks, handbooks),
    • theses (doctoral, masters and bachelors),
    • conference materials,
    • inventions, industrial designs, utility models, trademarks,
    • industry standards,
    • other materials related to the activities of the university (posters, presentations, architectural designs, reports, booklets, guidebooks, photographs, audio files),
    • research data,
    • metadata of research data.

§ 3. Deposition Policy

  1. The Depositor is obliged to comply with the law and internal regulations of the Lublin University of Technology.

  2. The authors/creators of the resources and the Repository Editors are the persons authorized to deposit materials.

  3. The Depositor makes the materials available in the Repository free of charge.

  4. The following forms of deposition of materials are permitted:

      a) self-archiving by the author/creator, using the dedicated Repository form,

      b) indirect depositing made by the Repository Editor in the case of:

      • materials for which Lublin University of Technology holds copyrights,
      • materials submitted by employees, doctoral students and students of the Lublin University of Technology, on the basis of licences granted - by concluding a non- exclusive licence agreement,
      • materials which constitute the digitised collections of the LUT Digital Library

      c) automatic retrieval of materials from external systems (based on the rules and licenses under which they were made available).

  5. The Depositor grants the Lublin University of Technology a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to disseminate the material and declares that there is no infringement of third-party rights (including original publisher’s and co-authors’ rights). In the case of self-deposit of materials via an online form, the Depositor is obliged to submit a declaration in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations. If the Depositor submits material through the Repository Editors, the he/she is required to enter into a licence agreement, the template of which can be found in Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations.

  6. The Depositor is required to include complete and correct metadata describing the material in the appropriate fields of the Repository form.

  7. Materials deposited in the Repository should enable the widest possible access to the content, including technical and legal access.

  8. The way of depositing Research Data in the Repository should take into account the provisions of grant agreements or other terms of financing scientific activities, and should not violate rights and obligations resulting from the Regulations on the management of copyrights, related rights and industrial property rights and the principles of commercialization at the Lublin University of Technology.

  9. The Repository Editor reserves the right to verify the linguistic correctness and technical aspects of materials submitted by Depositors before publishing.

  10. A Depositor does not have the right to withdraw materials deposited in the Repository.

§ 4. Access Policy

  1. The Repository provides metadata and bibliographic descriptions in an open manner in accordance with applicable law.

  2. Anyone can access the metadata free of charge.

  3. The metadata may be reused in any medium without prior permission for non-commercial purposes, on condition that the OAI identifier or link to the original metadata record is provided.

  4. The metadata may not be reused in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.

  5. Access to the resources is unrestricted, unless restrictions on sharing are stipulated at the time of deposit.

  6. The Depositor shall have the right to set an Embargo period for deposited, but not yet published material, after which it shall be made available to the public. The maximum Embargo period may last 36 months.

  7. Material is made available in the Repository after review and approval by the Repository Editor.

  8. The Repository Editor will block access to material that infringes the law, immediately after its identifikaction.When identifying Materials that infringe the law, the Repository Editor will immediately block access to them. In such a case, the Material may be removed from the Repository without the author's consent.

  9. If the material is removed from the Repository, the metadata linking to it will be maintained.

  10. Resources available in the Repository may be used for research, teaching and learning purposes only. Commercial use may take place only with the consent of the copyright owners, on the basis of a separate agreement.

  11. Resources published with an indication of Creative Commons or other licence may be used according to the terms of the licence.

§ 5. Responsibility

  1. The Depositor is responsible for the compliance of the submitted Materials with the applicable laws, in particular concerning the copyright protection, personal data regulations, and the internal rules of the Lublin University of Technology.

  2. The Depositor is responsible for the actions performed in the Repository using their account.

  3. Repository Editors are not responsible for the content posted by Depositors. However, they have the right to remove material that does not comply with the Regulations or violates the law.

  4. Lublin University of Technology shall not be liable for any damage resulting from infringement of copyright, patent, licence or other third-party rights by Depositors.

  5. Lublin University of Technology reserves the right to refuse to store and to make available to the public, to block access or to remove from the Repository any content that does not constitute Materials as defined herein, or any material that does not comply with the provisions hereof.

  6. Lublin University of Technology shall not be liable for any interruptions, disruptions or failures of the Repository.

§ 6. Storage and Archiving and Policy

  1. Resources deposited in the Repository are stored indefinitely in an electronic form, in accordance with the data security policy and guidelines for long-term archiving.

  2. Regular backups of deposited material will be made in the Repository.

  3. In exceptional cases, it is possible to update or correct the deposited material, only through the Repository Editor.

  4. In the event of closure of the Repository, its resources will be transferred to another service, in order to ensure the continuity of access to deposited material and metadata.

§ 7. Personal Data

  1. The Administrator of Personal Data processed in relation to the functioning of the Repository is the Lublin University of Technology.

  2. Personal Data of Depositors and Users is processed only for the purpose of carrying out the tasks associated with the functioning of the Repository, in accordance with applicable law and the Privacy Policy of the Lublin University of Technology.

  3. The use of functions that do not require registration is possible anonymously.

  4. Users have the right to access, rectify, restrict processing and remove their Personal Data.

§ 8. Final Provisions

  1. The Regulations shall enter into force on the date of their publication on the Repository website.

  2. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of national law and internal acts of the Lublin University of Technology shall apply.

  3. Lublin University of Technology reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations, and it will inform Users by posting the consolidated text of the amended Regulations at Using the service is tantamount to accepting the new content of the Regulations.